Monday, January 6, 2014

Hello again, you know what really chaffs my nuts. Check this out:

So this six year old boy could now possibly be a sex offender due to a school rules which probably should govern more the possibility of the offense that adults can commit against each other or the children under their care, they decided to enforce those statues against a six year old boy who probably didn't know any body. I mean seriously, who the hell cares if a 6 year old kisses another 6 year's hand. I mean unless the boy is using his Toka Truck to excavate inside of the little girl then why waste the time. The little girl didn't complain, it was a kiss on the hand. Still, the school instead of being concerned about education, they suspend the boy. The result of this decision, a confusing topic that a child that age probably shouldn't be concerned about now demands answering. In the words of the young boys mother, " This is taking it to the extreme. Now my son is asking 'What is sex, Mommy?'" 
At first that question would have been easy to answer, you would have had to tell the young boy about how when mommies and daddies love each other very much they hug each, or maybe that the stork brought him or some shit. Now instead there is a possibility that your gonna have to explain it to him interns of biological and anatomically. Either way the out come, thanks to that school, isn't going to be very good. Observe: 
The question that I have is why isn't the school concerned about the Bitter special education teacher. You know the one. He's the one who if only he's kissed more ass in college he wouldn't be stuck in a dead end live sucking job that is so demeaning that one day he'll drink himself into a oblivion. Or he just won't show up for work, and after the neighbor complain of a horrible smell.  Days later the police will find his body. He's the same guy who would probably kill his mother and then just start cashing in her social security checks. He's the type of guy who would sneak into the lady's room to master-bate while choking on the used tampons and make up sponges that were discarded in the trash can. Disgusting isn't it. But, in all honesty, I wasn't really sure if there was ever a case where a child as young as 6 years old had ever been the perpetrator of sexual assault or sexual harassment. From my research, I discovered some very interesting and eye opening things.  
When I first began my research I didn't really think that it was something existed per say, but I was surprised to discover that there were actual instances of this child-on-child sexual abuse. While there may be many instances of something such as sibling sexual activity , in a lot of cases the activity is innocent in the terms of neither of children involved completly understanding how inappropriate those actions are. Behavior in other instances has been out right molestation. But the simply fact is that it is a very complicated issue that involves many complex ingredients. The difference between those kids that have made mistakes and can be rehabilitate, and those that will continue on the path of being future adult rapist and/or pedophile is not a straight forward road. However that hasn't necessarily stopped the stigma. Now don't get me wrong, an early teen who sexually assaults another child should be put on the sex offenders list at least for a period of time if not permanently; especially if the behavior continues. Anyone who commits a sex crime should prosecuted, and be listed as a sex offender. On the other hand when our society takes a six year old who kissed another child's hand as being sexual harassment, then we got a serious fucking problem. I mean we are taking about a country with a state who a few years ago had a 8-year-old child on their registry. Now please understand that this isn't coming from a journalist perspective. There is much more research that needs to be done. I had just read an article in USA Today.  All the circumstances involved in the 8-year-old in Delaware that was on the sex offenders list was not explained. I'm not the one to judge, but still on the outside I can only ask one question. That question is What the Fuck?
 So the basic idea is if your child is part of that school yard rhyme "Someone and someone sitting in a tree ..." then there is a good chance that they will become a poster child for a kiddie version of Megan's Law. That might also mean that excessive hugging would put your kid at risk of being an offender. 
So, here is an idea, maybe we should be more concerned by the assistant T-ball couch who has the eerie glazed over expression, believes that disney films contain all you need to know in life, and takes the team's uniform measurements himself behind the tool shed. Maybe we should be more concerned about that guy who's watch Nickelodeon in the nude than a 6-year-old kissing another 6-year-old on the hand. And while we're at it maybe we need to educate our children about such things as "good touch, bad touch". Morality might work to, and maybe not being such a tight asses that nuclear energy produced inside our collective rectums. 

But enough of this serious hubbub; to lighten the mood here is a joke. Enjoy!   

Little Johnny asks, "Mommy, where do babies come from?"
His mother replies, "The stork brings them."
Little Johnny, puzzeled, asks, "Then who fucks the stork?"
Before I say goodbye let me reiterate that I do not under any circumstances excuse the act of rape, or sexual assault. Rape, and any form of sexual assault is wrong. This instance was bullshit though. If I have offended any one, I am sorry.  

Until the next rash,

Lou Ford


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