Sunday, December 14, 2014

It's Wack!!

Hello and welcome to another episode of What Really Chaffs My Nuts. This is just a public service announcement. Remember childrens, "Crack is Wack".
That is all. Oh, wait, testicles too. That is all.

Until the next rash,

Lou Ford


Friday, December 5, 2014

Thanxsmas, the Guantanamo Bay of holidays.

Hello, and welcome to another episode of What Really Chaffs My Nuts. It's that time of year again. The season of giving; what really chaffs my nuts. So, I guess Merry Christmas is in order, right? Well, actually it's been in order since fucking October. Seriously, it has. As soon as the scary masks were put back in the closets the most terrifying time of the year began. That time is Thanxsmas. Thanxsmas is the period that runs from November to January 1st. It's when you get hit with so much love and materialism, you're not sure what's going to explode first; your head, your heart, or your wallet. If you don't think it's that bad then listen to this, there are several radio stations that have decided from to December 1st until Christmas to play nothing but Christmas music. Nothing but Christmas music all day long, Christmas music. That's sensory deprivation, or more accurately in this case subjection to noise. This season is the Guantanamo Bay of Holidays. That's harsh, I know, but when the day after Thanksgiving people go out to fight each other to the death for sales at stores like Walmart, I'd say were screwed. 

"I'm thankful for my family, friends, and loved ones who make my life a little brighter everyday. Now let's go buy some presents at discounted prices, and if anybody gets in our way, we take em' out. Let's lock and load people!!"
How about the fact that people will happily "cut a bitch" for a parking spot at the mall? When I say "cut a bitch" I mean they will literally use a sharp object to wound you so they can be closer to mall entrance, and get their kids picture taken with the alcoholic mall Santa before you. So now there's 25 days of relentless Christmas carols? It's Guantanamo Bay. Happy Thanxsmas everybody!
Until the next rash.
Lou Ford

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Friday Night Hazing

Hello, and welcome to another installment of What Really Chaffs My Nutts. This topic is something that I find particularly despicable due to the apathetic reaction that it received. So before I go any further here is a blurb that sums up the situation.

So, basically the players of a high school football team decided that since they were a team, what better way to unify the team than to hold down the new members, and sodomize/penetrate them to the point at which they surrender their undying loyalty and trust. After all, the foundation of fidelity is built upon rape and humiliation. That what makes winning teams; gang rape. In reality it's fucking disgusting, but that's not what chaffs my nuts. What chaffs my nuts is how the community reacted. That reaction was one of apathetical callousness to the news of these crimes. When it was announced that the football season would be cancelled, and that the schools football program was even in jeopardy the community saw it as over kill. Many residents thought that despite the viciousness of the assaults, and the fact that the majority of the team either participated or knew about it, they still believed that the school should be allowed to continue their season. The school itself had made that belief very clear, and openly. The students at the Sayreville War Memorial High School only seemed to care about one thing, finding the snitches. One 16-year-old student had tweeted "If they thought we hated them before we sure as hell hate them now. Another girl posted a picture of two trash bins exclaiming that they were the real freshmen team. It appeared that once again due to status there was an acceptable application of leeway for those who were seen as talented. Now I get some peoples objection to the cancellation of the schools football season. However, what happened in the locker room was unacceptable. It was rape, and that type of behavior should in no way be tolerated. 

Here is a link to an article about the Sayreville football hazing.

It is important to note that when faced with the facts of the case some residents of the community did reconsider their objections. Still when news of hazing came to light the allegations they should not be have been taken as joke. The terrible thing was that a few days later another school had to face the same situation. 

Central Bucks West High School which is located in Doylestown, Pennsylvania has a football program that had been ranked as one of the top ten school football teams by USA Today. In the 1990's they had won the state championship four times. As you might guess football there is a big deal. It was a respected program that was highly regarded, that is until allegations of hazing had come to light as well. The hazing there hadn't been quite as brutally sexual, but still the actions of the upper class men went above and beyond joking, or playful "harassment" that might be considered excusable. With action such as mock "water boarding, the incidents were anything but that. Yet the announcement of the cancellation of the season was met by many as over kill as well. Students and parents alike saw it as the actions of a few being taken out on the many. There was some truth to that.

The whole team wasn't in on it. The coaches, who had all been fired, hadn't ordered the abuse. They hadn't order a "code red" if you will. Still that didn't excuse the fact that many knew of the attacks and did nothing. It could be seen in a lesser extent as a Penn State style reaction. There the cover-ups were on such a massive scale it was sickening. Here there weren’t any cover-ups, but more minimizing the situation, which was just as sickening. I've provided a link for an about the CB West hazing scandal ://

The reason I say that is for instance in the Sayreville case what was reported was that before the upper class men would assault their newer teammates they would turn off the lights and howl. The upper classmen openly call it "takin' that ass".  That's not exactly keeping the behavior on a down low is it?.  That's drawing attention to yourself plain and simple.   Now I get the logic behind not getting involved someone else's problem, I do, but if you were an under class men on that team wouldn't you be worried that if you weren't already a victim you might be next? I would think that might motivate you to do something to protect yourself. Instead in both Sayreville and Central Bucks West incidents many saw it as just this small thing that required discipline for those few, and not the majority of the team who had some idea as to what was going on, hence the Penn State reaction. When it was revealed that people of power knew about the abuse and sexual assaults, people like Joe Paturno, many didn’t regard it as a disgrace. Penn State students came out to protest the removal of his statue at Beaver Stadium. In fact before that when Joe had been fired the students rioted in the streets. The point is that the incidents that had occurred at both of those high schools (just like Penn State) were cruel, but what was disgusting was how excusable the incident was by others. That in my opinion is disgraceful. 

Until the next rash, 

Lou Ford


Thursday, October 23, 2014

Fortune cookie wisdom part dew.

Hello again, and welcome to another installment of "What Really Chaffs My Nuts". This round I am going to present you with another fortune from a fortune cookie. This has been an idea that I've had for a while. That idea being that along with my usual rants I would write a rant about what I call "fortune cookie wisdom". That would be the title, and along with a fortune from a fortune cookie, there would be a rant about how it annoyed the shit out of me. I figure that rather than just think about it I'd give it try. So, without further a due, another fortune.
Why the fuck are so many of these so damn vague? Seriously, how many obstacles will I be overcoming? What if I've already overcome some of those obstacles? Then what? What will those obstacles be? Will I overcome my fear of public speaking without imaging that everyone in the audience is in their underwear resulting in an anxiety induced boner? Will I overcome the obstacle that is my penis envy? How about the fact that every time I see a woman walk by with big boobs I secretly want a pair of my own so I can play with them whenever I want. You know, give the nipple a squeeze without getting slapped?
What obstacles damn it?!
And why the hell do they have to further trick you by making it sound all fancy saying that it's a cookie with a fortune inside? As a kid I wanted it to be like a chocolate chip cookie that would know all. Taste great when dunked in milk, and gave great advice. Or a psychic Oreo. No, instead  they give us this  brittle, hollow, yellow, origami  crescent roll thing. The damn thing is yellow like hepatitis, or your pee after you've eaten a  bunch of multivitamins. The cookie is brittle like toffee, only sweetly bland, and dangerous once broken. That's what we're left with when dealing with Chinese takeout; an MSG headache, and a fraudulent dessert that is capable of fatally cutting the roof of our mouths when being eaten. Inside that cookie is a piece of paper with our future written on it that if swallowed would be so toxic we'd be tripping balls for a week. With that I will leave you. Don't worry the next entree will be something a little more meaty. I promise. Until the next rash.

Lou Ford


Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Be Modest and Wha ...

Hello, and welcome to another episode of "What Really Chaffs My Nuts".  I know that it's been close to a month since I last posted anything.  I am sorry about that.  I am back in school and have had to deal with some family issues.  That being said, I will be posting something longer, deeper, and juicier soon.  Longer, deeper and juicier!  I just said that! Ha! Anyway, I'll leave you with this for now; it is something that I find both insightful and annoying as hell at the same time.

This is what I like to call fortune cookie wisdom. See the crushed cookie in the first photo with the little strip of paper? Pretty nifty how I set that up, huh?  Right?  Moving on!  What the hell does it mean? Of what?  Be modest and proud of what damn it? What? Why do they feel the need to be so damn ambiguous?  Serious, be modest and proud of what, my penis size?  Of what, can anybody tell me?  The fact that I know how to say boobs in several other languages?  Someone seriously please tell me what the hell this means?  When you do figure it out get back to me.  With that I will leave you.

Until the next rash

Lou Ford


Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Biber and the Bear.

Hello, and welcome to another episode of "What Really Chaffs My Nuts". Like I had mentioned once before, there are many things to rant about. Despite that there is one particular story I'm going to bitch about. It is a stupid, but hilarious as all hell get out. Here it is:  

This is just great. A bear was actually repelled by a Justin Bieber song. "Baby" to be exact. The song was a ringtone on a fisherman's cellphone, and when it played the bear fled in terror. Are you surprised? I wasn't. When I read this I laughed so hard I pooped a little. I didn't really know what to say. I mean how terrifyingly dreadful do you have to be? How bad of a singers voice would actually unnerve a bear? If that isn't a sign that your career is going down the tubes then I don't know what is. In Justin's case all you got to do is look at his career so far. All he needs right now are a few drug charges, a girlfriend with a couple crotch shots, and another slap fest with an actor like Orlando Bloom. In the beginning he was just a Canadian. Now, well we'll just put all the blame on Usher. 
   In seems that Justin is suffering from what I like to call the "Different Stokes syndrome". I say that because the entire cast of that 80's sitcom, especially the children, had horrific post acting careers. You want to know more look it up. The point is that Justin has gone from being a Canadian child star to one of those guys in a hoodie who’s forgotten that he's white. He is on his way to becoming a male version of Dana Plato. Today it's a sissy fight with Orlando Bloom; tomorrow it's an O.D. after washing down Vicodin with cough syrup. All he needs are a few drug charges, a girlfriend with a few crotch shots, unwashed hair, and a wife beater tank top. You know what you got? You got douche bag personified a.k.a. a young version of Kevin Federline. And we owe this all to none other than Usher.

 Thank you Usher for giving us another child star train wreck. As a member of the entertainment community you accomplished your prescribed duets, creating catchy tunes, and exploiting children.

The good news is that unlike most has been actors, even after his career is over Bieber can still serve a purpose. Besides being a living fable about the consequences of early fame, he can literally use his voice to save thousand of outdoorsmen's lives. Seriously, just think, no more mace, or packing a high-powered rifle in order to protect yourself. Just a recording of one of Bieber's pathetic excuses for a pop song, and even a pack of ravenous hyenas would run in horror. In fact the military could use it. You tell me that playing the song "Baby" wouldn't make even the most hardened soldier fall to his knees. Just think of all the possibilities. Plus that gives me hope. It somehow gives me comfort to know that when the day comes where he will be a pitiful piece of flesh, Justin will still be able to maintain some sort of dignity. That would be refreshing. It would be awe-inspiring.  At least when they make the "where are they now" documentary his situation won't turn out to be so disparaging that all you'd want to do is snap your own neck to escape the sadness. A sadness that would drown your soul leaving you gasping in panicked despair before your lungs were filled with the darkness that is the loose of humanity.
Wait a minute?! What am I talking about? It would be hilarious. I mean like aneurism causing pop a boner hysterics; that's how funny. It's Justin Bieber. Come on. How could it not be?      

With that I will leave you. Until the next rash, 

Lou Ford


Thursday, August 7, 2014

Hello, and welcome to another example of what really chaffs my nuts. Again, there are so many things to rant about. There are just so many things that have rubbed me the wrong way. I have choose this story of hilarious stupidity because it is the one that chafed my nuts the most. So here it is. Read and enjoy:
So this woman (Ginny Griffith) was charged with arson because she was trying to kill a spider. Yeah, in an attempt to kill a creepy crawly she set her housing duplex ablaze. Stupidity. This is like that South Carolina woman who called the police all because a Subway sandwich shop had given her a flat bread pizza with marinara sauce instead of pizza sauce. Remember? I had written a rant about that. 

Now the question I have is for someone like that what exactly establishes a panic? Another question I have is short of actually have a nuclear bomb what is their "nuclear option"? I mean Ginny Griffith  literally torched a pile of towels which lead to her side of the duplex catching fire. The other side was occupied at the time of the incident, hence the arson charge. She hadn't meant to hurt anyone, but she used fire to kill a tiny spider. If that's not over kill then Joan Rivers Vagina doesn't make a swooshing noise when she walks. It does.

Now this story got me thinking; those eight legged creatures sure do wheeled a lot of power. What I mean by that is their symbolism, and the fear they instill in some is truly amazing. A woman almost burned down her housing duplex all because of a small creature that dangled over her by a minuscule thread. There is another recent story about a man who did burn down his home due to his own arachnophobia. See:
Keeping that in mind, if you were a spider who could talk then think of all the clout you'd have.  I know that sounds outlandish, but just go with me. Now if  you had access to someone with power like the president, and he suffered from arachnophobia then you'd be set. Obama could be your bitch. Just imagine it for a second.

  You'd have Obama in the Oval Office.
"Yo Obama" you'd say as he repelled to eye level. "Do you know what would be really funny? Do a presidential address where you tell the American public that we are on the verge of nuclear war with one of those Koreas. When panic sets in and everybody is going mad crazy tell them that you were just joshing them."

He'd look at you in astonished anxiety and annoyance, asking "So you want me to lie, and terrorize the American people with the idea of nuclear annihilation. Then enrage them by telling them that it was a joke? No."
"So you're not going to?" you ask.
Then you'd dangle over his head. Obama would scream like a girl.
"Yeah," you'd say. "Yeah. Cry. Cry. Bitch scream like a bitch pussy!"
The President would jump and squirm in his chair.
"You wanna walk into one of my webs, huh? Do ya?"
The president would wail, "No!"
"Then your gonna do it or I'll tell Cheney that you had over Bin Laden and other bad government types for game night!" you'd command. "I'll tell Dickie that you had Bin Laden killed cause he beat you at Pictionary!"
Hell, just think of it. It would be grand. You could land on Mitt Romney's Book of Mormon and tell him that you laid eggs in the vast abyss where his soul once dwelled. The sad part about it is it's probably true that there is an empty trench where Mitt's soul may have been, but I've gotten off track.

I know that this is just wrong and in bad taste, but I love this blurb. That would be like using a 50 Caliber machine gun to try to kill a mouse. How hilarious mankind's stupid truly is, hilarious. Out of all the bad shit that happens in the world this is the one thing that gave me the reason to live. Seriously I laughed so hard at that debacle it felt like my heart had grown three times its size, and then in an instant was going to tear in half. I know that it is cruel, but humanity's idiocy is sidesplittingly riotous. By the way I was exaggerating about that story giving me a reason to live. I think you get my drift.  Stupidity is funny.

There was a WW2 U-Boat that almost sank due to a toilet flush.
 By the way a U-Boat was a german submarine. Honestly, it almost sank.  I mean, you tell me that isn't funny as hell. You tell me that it isn't extremely humorous on some level. That is an example of another of man's stupidity. By the way in case you were wondering there is some difficulty in flushing a toilet in a machine that is completely submerged in water because of all the pressure that surrounds the machine (submarine). If you don't have a system that can equalize it then you got problems, hence the U-Boat almost sinking. If you don't believe me then look it up. The point is that man's stupidity, while tragic in many instances,  is always funny. That is what comedy is; tragedy. Plus, lets be honest, it's true that sometimes our stupidity is the only trait that makes our species tolerable.
Numb nuts who do things like deciding to sue ESPN because of being caught on camera asleep at a baseball game is what makes life worth while. That numb nuts name is Andrew Rector, and he's suing for $10 million dollars due to mental anguish. That's what I think anyway. With that I will leave you.

Until the next rash,

Lou Ford


Saturday, July 12, 2014

Hello and welcome to another installment of "What Really Chaffs My Nuts". Here is what really rubs me the wrong way:

How much of a sell out do you have to be to be to actually change name to that of labor leader and civil rights activist to appeal to those of a different ethnicity all for political gain. I mean that's like white people thinking it's ok to use the n word, or any derivative of it due to them having a black friend. How about acting like a thug because you have a cousin who is kinda one. That second one wasn't quiet as good of an example, so I'll just use this as an example of selling out; Metallica.

Just recap a little here, this politician whose name was Scott Fistler changed his name to Cesar Chavez. He had previously lost two elections as a Republican before he switched parties and changed his name to the latino civil right activist to appeal to the hispanic populations to win political favor. That is selling out. Now changing one's name isn't in itself selling out. For instance if you convert to a new religion, and you are devote, and sincere about your convictions then changing your name isn't selling out. To change your name because your don't want to carry the name of someone who was abusive or harmful in some way isn't selling out. Changing your name for some sort of self serving gain; that is selling out. I mean look at the guy!
If that's not white then Mr. Belvedere is fucking Chinese.
Mr. Belvedere wasn't Chinese, he's was a tight assed british house keeper. It was an 80s sitcom. Look it up. Anyway, do you want to know what is the worst part of this is? The worst part is that it's all happening in Arizona. What I mean is that it's Arizona. That is a state where the white populous had decided collectively to round up any brown skinned human wearing a flannel shirt, or pushing a stroller with a seven year old strapped in. Hasn't the state collectively done enough harm to latinos?

Seriously, I mean this is as much an example of selling out as Ice Cube, or white people getting Chinese calligraphy  tattoos. By the way how could something so beautiful as the art of calligraphy have  turned into a form of white trash expression?

Any way if someone has to change their name just so they can get a certain enthnic group to "Rock the Vote" for them then there isn't much lower that you can go. Well, actually I stand corrected. If you were to desend as low as the ugliness of Mickey Rourke then that would be the lowest. What I mean is if there was a scale where attractiveness was equated to your social standing, morality, or whatever term would best describe it, then Mickey Rourke would be pretty damn low. Mickey was at one time attractive; and I mean like "Lost Boys", throw your panties, pour some sugar on me attractiveness. Then something happened after the movie Angel Heart I guess. It seems that he went the same way as all amateur boxers go, slightly punch drunk and ugly. Mickey Rourke by the way was a amateur boxer. When your standards fall that far down then there ain't lower to go. You could open a can of beans with his face. It's true.            
There is only one person that is more hideous than Mickey. That is Steve Buscemi. I mean that guy's face looks like the disgusting, disfigured, herniated scrotum of an elderly man. It could also resemble the ball sack of the Toxic Avenger. That is an 80's movie that is now a cult classic. Look that up too. How that guy, Steve, gets his face up on screen just boggles my mind. If there was any more sag, then all his face would do is drag. But anyway, back to the topic at hand; selling out.

If your gonna sell out like that at least make it worth while. In this case do it for something more valuable than an election in Arizona. Do it for at least scumbag fame, like reality TV stars or the entire E television network. And I mean the E network that produces those horrific abominations of programs like the Kardashian train wreak of a series. And yes,that's right, all its staff. The only difference between E and an election in Arizona is
that the E network matters. I mean for god sakes it's Arizona. Has anything good ever come from Arizona? Sorry, that was a bit out of line and untrue. I mean crystal meth comes from Arizona, so that's something. It's right on the boarder. I just realized that I've gotten completely off track. I was ranting about how much selling out chaffs my nuts.

Selling out; I mean whatever happened to dignity and self respect? Whatever happened to originality? Being an individual, and not someone who is willing to throw that all away for their selfish egos. That was wrong too. How am I to know that this white Cesar Chavez won't be a great congressman. Still to go as far as change your name in that context could be perceived as racist. It's also quiet redonkulous. Instead of creating his own path he acted like a  high school kid who gave into to peer pressure so that he could be popular. He fucking coped out just like the band Metallica, or Nash G. I'll explain the Nash thing at a later date. The only thing more moronic or offensive would be a white guy changing his last name to "X"  because his real last name is his "slave name". I thought that the whole idea of an individual was creating your own path in some way, and not fuckin' coping out. Still there is truth to the idea that everybody has to sell out in some aspect. You don't like spending time with you spouse's family, but you want to keep the peace so you have "family time" with them. In turn it may even afford you the ability to do something that you enjoy that isn't approved of other wise. The same thing with a job. You could be offered a promotion that entails responsibilities that you don't want, or don't completely condone; however the money is great so you give in. Still there is a line. That line in my opinion, once crossed is self degrading. Again that was probably is a little harsh.

So I guess my point is while selling out is deplorable, when it's done in a way that is offensive, and at the expense of another then it gets disgusting. I mean lets be honest; the white Cesar Chavez isn't doing one of those "I'd like to teach the world to sing" product endorsement, right? He had the audacity to change his name to civil rights leader in what could be considered a cruel joke that was part of pathetic come back scheme. A white has been politician who changed his name to win over the latino population. All this happened in the state Arizona. Think about that.

With that I will leave you.

Until the next rash,

Lou Ford


Sunday, July 6, 2014


Hello, and welcome to another entree into what really chaffs my nuts. I'm on vacation, and while I am finishing up my next big rant, I thought I'd give you an interesting fact. So, did you know that Ann Coulter has an orgasm every time she hears the word "Reaganomics". I'm serious! Somehow that frigged bitch's vagina produces enough heat to create pleasure. If you don't believe me then look it up.
With that I will leave you. See ya soon.

Lou Ford


Sunday, June 8, 2014


Hi, and welcome to another episode of What Really Chaffs My Nuts. There is so much out there right now that I could talk about that rubs me the wrong way. There's this to begin with:
 So this dude is suing the rescuers who saved him from drowning. The only thing that I have to say about that is where is FEMA when you need them? What I mean by that is you'd have a better chance of surviving a gunshot wound in Detroit than receiving adequate care from that organization. In other words to make myself clear, if the man is going to sue the individuals who saved him then maybe he didn’t deserve the saving. Now that doesn’t mean he should have died, but maybe if he hadn’t received the help that saved his life then perhaps he wouldn’t be behaving like such a scum bag. 

Then there is the woman in North Carolina. Check this one out:
This woman dialed 911 all because of marinara sauce. I can't even image what that incident was like, but it probably involved cottage cheese thighs, daisy dukes, Mountain Dew, and Oxycontin. I think I went the wrong way with that one, but still it was kinda funny. It does make you wonder though. At least I do. What would she do if someone coughed? Would she give them tracheotomy?  If she got bleach on her hands would she call poison control? A little water in her basement, would she call FEMA? It makes you wonder what she would be willing to do if there was a real emergency doesn't it? Who knows? But that's not what I'm gonna be focusing on. This topic is going to be issue of rape on college campus.

Rape is a horrific crime. It's a deep volition that can rip apart the victims life. It is estimated that every two minutes someone is sexually assaulted. 237,868 are victims of crime every year. However that may not be the worst of it. 60% of rapes are not reported, and 97% of rapist never sees a day in jail. Then to top it a friend or an acquaintance of the victim commits all off most rapes, which is probably why most rapes are not reported. Those statistics I obtained from RAINN (rape, abuse, and incest national network). Here is the link you can go to for those statistics: sexual-assault-victims.

That is a mouthful, all those number. However, they are statistics and in all honesty, they aren't completely accurate. Still, it is pretty appalling that there is some truth to those numbers. Those numbers also sound like Jimmy Page's wet dream. If you don't know who I'm talking about then look him up. Here are a few key words: Led Zeppelin, kidnapping, underage, and Stockholm syndrome. I'm emphasizing the key words kidnapping, rape, and Led Zeppelin.

Anyway, a light has recently been shown on these incidents that have been occurring on college campus for so long. It is an epidemic that has result in Title IX complaints and lawsuits around the country. I'll explain what Title IX in a moment. A White House task force (The White House Task Force To Protect Students from Sexual Assault to be specific) to combat this epidemic has issued guidelines that emphasis on bystander intervention, transparency for all allegations, and nationwide surveys. They are very good starts towards educating, solving, and preventing a crime that has become an epidemic on many college campuses. Another positive aspect of the task force is the focus on the need to change the attitudes of young males, and college officials. In this case changing the idea that holding a "Pig Party" doesn't mean that ugly girls need your loving no matter what. It means changing the idea that booze and roofies do not equate to the word yes, or a proper first date. It also means changing the idea that being a star athlete is a viable reason to be excused from the consequences of your actions. These are great ideas, but to me there still seems to be a larger issue that isn't being identified. That is Social standing.

What I mean by social standing is some one's place in the pecking order. When College officials cover or excuse actions because of a student's/staff's importance to the school itself there is a problem. When the president of the United States has to choose the members of the task force that in this case is taking on the issue of sexual assault in colleges, there is a fuckin' problem.  When being in a relationship with Chris Brown on PCP seems to be more promising and secure than higher education something just isn’t right. What could be said to be even more troubling is that it is mirrored back to us by norms incidents in the military, and even at high schools.    
I think that one of the problems, and please do not interpret this as me being self-righteous, are that those goals of the task force need to be extended out from the college to the rest of the world.  Like I had mentioned, with numerous cases having cropped up at high schools, and the military as well it would seem that there needs to be more public awareness. Don't get me wrong; many have taken steps to try to make changes, as this task force is proof of as well as the work of Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-NY. Sen. Gillibrand had drafted a letter to the task force asking for greater transparency into title IX investigations. Title IX is part of a federal law that requires schools that receive federal funds to treat male and female students equal. It includes everything from educational opportunities to safe environments for the students to coexist in. For more information on Title IX her is a link to check out: My point is that it says a lot about who we are as a society when pro athletes 
can do everything short of take over the world with a death ray, but a gay athlete comes out and the very 
Heavens shake. That kind of makes you wonder.


When it is okay for a prestigious college to cover up the actions of one of their football coaches, a 
pedophile, to prevent a media circus rather than shining a good light on the situation by doing the right 
thing. That college by the way is Penn State. So in this case maybe it's the consequences of privilege.  
What I mean by the consequences are the advantages of privileges. For example The Penn State child sex scandal. While that had to deal with staff, it still is a perfect example of how privilege was used as an excuse for excusing horrific actions. A case that is exactly what I am talking about is The Florida State quarterback Jameis Winston rape case that revealed cover-ups on both the schools and the law enforcement's part.
Sean+Penn.jpgAnother example that is outside of guidelines of this rant but that still illustrates my point would be Sean Penn. Sean Penn is just a prick first off. In his early days he'd beat, hit, and dangle paparazzi off of rooftops. What we really let him get away with was the binding, and assault of his ex-wife Madonna. While on a bender, Sean Penn tied up his then wife Madonna and then preceded to both verbal and physically assaulted her for hours. But it was Sean Penn, so after a couple of years of charity work and two Oscars we all forgot. By the way, Sean Penn is a bad person. Sean Penn is almost as bad a person as Rachael Ray. I swear Rachael Ray looks like she is just holding things together by a thread. I think that one day her skin will crack and shatter revealing a rage monster that will teach us how to make a 15-minute meal out of her agent rather than chicken cutlets.
The point that I am trying to make is that wealth, talent, prestige stereotypes, and saving face shouldn't be reasons to dismiss those who have been victimized. Youthful exuberance should not be an excuse for such things as rape. Rank also shouldn't be a reason either. Just because we think someone is the bee's knees doesn't mean it's cool. If someone commits a crime they should pay the price regardless of who they are. But more importantly maybe we need to change our attitude towards crimes like rape. Maybe if we work harder to create an environment where the victim can feels safe, and isn't possibly going to victimized again then maybe some good will come out of it. If we (as in all of us) can do that then maybe some of these brutal acts could be prevented, and those guilty of crime can be punished. The perpetrators can be punished justly regardless of who they are. Oh, and by the way, just in case you think I need to get my pedestal let me remind you that I am a colossal asshole. Just ask my wife sometime, she'll tell you.  

So before I leave you here is one last statistic to remember; a 2002 study had found that 6% of college students had raped or attempted to rape someone, and each one had committed on average 5.8 rapes each. That is a lot! So while you ponder that I will leave you. 

Until the next rash,

Lou Ford.


Next time you see Rachael Ray remember that there is a succubi waiting to tear through her meat suit, and swallow your soul.