Thursday, June 16, 2016

Goose Stepping Roo

You know what really chaffs my nuts? You what really rubs my sack the wrong way? Assholes! Yup, assholes which is funny because I am one of those, but the ones who really chaff my nuts are the know it all douchesbags. The ones who rely on Fox news as their source for current events, they make me raw.  The ones that jerk off when Donald Trump or Bill O'Reilly. Those are the kind that rub me raw. One of those pricks I found on YouTube. The name of the dude is Devon Tracey, and he calls himself the Atheist Roo, why? I have no fucking clue, but he has chosen a marsupial to be his alter ego if you will. 

Now before I go any further let me be very clear, anyone who is an atheist has that right, they are allowed their own beliefs. It doesn't mean shit because of their religious or non-religious beliefs. That should not have any merit on their character. I say this because the discussion of religion or lack of almost always turns into a bloody battle, vicious bloody battles. To top it off this dudes alter ego is called the Atheist Roo so the whole faith thing is bound to come up. Plus the dude chose a Kangaroo as an alter ego. Seriously, a Roo.  

What says a lot about us is the amount of distrust our nation has towards atheists; so much that they can't run for office is disgusting, and pathetic. However, the whole atheist deal that this dude is running with doesn't change the fact that he is massive asshole. And by massive asshole I mean he's like a combination between a meter maid with a mullet wearing a fedora and that thing that happens when someone flushes the toilet while you're in the shower and you get hit with scolding hot water. That's this prick. 

I don't know tons about this fuck head except that he is a fairly conservative atheist You Tuber. Despite proclaiming to be a liberal, he comes off at the very least as being bigoted, and an egotistical fucktard. 

I had only recently came across the douche, and after viewing the video I was so fucking flabbergasted that after doing this, 

I watched more. The first video I watched by the way was titled Profiling Muslims is s Brilliant Idea

 I shouldn't have watched more after that, I know but I just couldn't help myself. I couldn't, the absurdity was so horrifically stupid that I had to try to understand why? 

 First thing, the Roo claims that he is not a racist. If that was true then it might have be a good idea for him not to have Hitler proclaim to be his number one fan as he rants about how much he hates Islam. What he does which is an insult is to our intellect is that Roo continues to proclaim that he's not bigoted. He turned Hitler into a starfucking fan for Christ sake. He did that  by changing the subtitles of Hitler's rant from the movie Valkyrie.  That is what he did in the video I have presented to you. He's a racist prick. No, I'm not even going to call Devon "the Roo" a racist, no I'll just call him an asshole. 

Here's a little something else to keep in mind, the Nazis worked with many Arab and Muslim factions in North Africa. They did due to the fact that they shared many of the same enemies like, the British, French, and Jews. While Hitler did say that Arabs were an inferior race, the S.S. and their Arab allies actually came to respect each other greatly in some instances. So, to have Hitler rant about Islam is a little outlandish. If you don't believe me then here is a reference. 

That was another example of his fucktardedness

The second thing is that while profiling Muslims maybe seem like a good idea, I got news for everybody who believes that it is useful. You ready? Well, hold on to your American Flag panties, it doesn't mean shit. 

It doesn't because there is no accurate profile for a terrorist. They come from all walks of life, all assorted backgrounds. It could be a university student, a slum dwelling youth, a bored house wife who's tried of seeing antifreeze blue colored detergent day after day, or a fuckin' rich kid who's pissed that his mommy and daddy didn't get him the Beemer he wanted. It doesn't matter because the motivation is different for all. Here is more proof. That basically means that this entire post was pointless as bird watching for the blind.  

Just like Mr. Rogers, before becoming a Quaker, the Quaker Oats Man was in
Special Forces. 
Keeping that in mind going and comparing Muslims to a pit bull you see walking down the street, which he did in frustrating tediousness, is a dumbs comparison because people are people. Humans are extremely complex creatures, compared to a creature that has been genetically created for violence. Muslims are included in humanity’s complexity. Let me rephrase that, just because a pit bull is know to be aggressive doesn't mean that the animal will bite you. It is also important to note that pit bulls were breed specifically for aggression, over decades of cross breeding, inbreeding, and selective breeding a dog was created to bite. It's what they were genetically destined to do. People on the other hand aren't necessarily meant to. That being said, every culture, every race, every ethnicity has some sort of history of violence. What that means is that unless you're fuckin' Amish or the Quaker Oats man, we all have some sort of predisposition to violence. That also said, not all Muslims are terrorist just like not all black dudes are drug dealers, and not all Catholic priests are child molesters. The same can be said that not all ex-cons have been prison raped. Plus, if he wants to make a judgment calls about people then I think we have a right to make a judgment call about the bandana wearing bald dude (the Roo) who poses in a picture with kids like this: 

That's Just Creepy!
 People reading this don't tell me that your creep-o meter is going off. Honestly, I know it is. That, and the fact that Devon is so thin skinned that even a 13 year old's response videos causes him to go apeshit is a little pathetic. Then again look at what I'm doing, I'm responding to his dumbass. That says a lot about both of us. I'm a douchebaggie dick for even caring, or responding to him, and he's a dick just cause. Still, his options, the ones I've heard, are bigoted and narrow-minded. That doesn't mean he doesn't have the right to run that pussy he calls a mouth, it just means that most of the time a tampon needs to be crammed in there to absorb the venomous juices. 

With that I will leave you. Until the next rash. 

Lou Ford


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