This may seem like an over view of an incident that happened this past holiday season, and in part it is, but when you read it I think that you'll see how it ties into the over all chaffing of the topic. So, just bare with me and enjoy.
You know what really chaffs my nuts? How everybody always bitches about Starbucks. While it's gets really damn annoying to hear about how people can't stand such things as the they're method of cup sizes, the straw that broke the camels back was the whole snowflake on the cup incident and the "war on Christmas". For anyone who hadn't been paying attention people got pissed when Starbucks decided that for this past Christmas they would not have anything like snowflakes on their cup, and instead it would be just red. Well, the person who got pissed was James Earl Feuerstein who declared it was proof of the war on Christmas/Christianity. Yes that supposed on going attack on Christianity which has been refreshed by Joshua Feuerstein, who is
You know what really chaffs my nuts? How everybody always bitches about Starbucks. While it's gets really damn annoying to hear about how people can't stand such things as the they're method of cup sizes, the straw that broke the camels back was the whole snowflake on the cup incident and the "war on Christmas". For anyone who hadn't been paying attention people got pissed when Starbucks decided that for this past Christmas they would not have anything like snowflakes on their cup, and instead it would be just red. Well, the person who got pissed was James Earl Feuerstein who declared it was proof of the war on Christmas/Christianity. Yes that supposed on going attack on Christianity which has been refreshed by Joshua Feuerstein, who is
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Joshua kinda looks like a rage full version of Silent Bob from the movie Clerks. |
a media savvy evangelist who basically said that Starbucks was taking the Christmas out of Christmas. In response to the red cup he called on Christians everywhere to go to the coffee chain, order a cup and tell them their name was Merry Christmas. The result being that Merry Christmas would be written on the cup which would break the neutral stance the company had on the holidays. Redonkulass. All that over a paper coffee cup. Again for anyone who has forgotten or just didn't pay attention, there was this huge backlash over the Starbucks deciding not to have snowflakes on their coffee cups. Now it is just a red cup. When the news got out about there was an outcry that the coffee company was killing Christmas because their cup didn't have that kind of precipitation on it. Now I asked myself is a damn snow flake a symbol of Christmas? The answer is ...NO! A snow flake is not a symbol of damn Christmas. And what is the problem with the logo? That is another thing that chaffs me. All the critics say it's a succubus. Well douches it's not, it's a siren. See, a siren was a temptress that lead sailors to their death by luring them so they would shipwreck on the rocky shores of their island. They were described as either being bird or mermaid like depending on the story. The point of the logo was not to suggest the demise of of their customers but rather to suggest the irresistible and seductive quality
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This is a Siren. A kinda mermaid creature, in some myths. |
of the coffee. A succubus, on the other hand, was a demonic creature that attacked men sexually (usually) while they were asleep. While the siren logo may not have been the best choice it certainly didn't have to do with sexual assault. There is a big difference between the two, so please do us all a favor and do your research before you run your mouth. Now back to the damn snowflake.

What the hell is the issue? Honestly, it's a form of precipitation, not a star which is a fucking ball of burning gas in space. That however, is a symbol of Christianity which for some reason is a bit ridiculous when you think about it. Still the star is mentioned in the story of Jesus' birth, so it means something. Regardless, I wondered what all the fuss was about a red cup, so I found an article in The Washington Post about what symbols are connected to Christmas. The link is bellow, check it out.

I felt it overcome me, consuming my very being, and causing me to conclude the impossible. I drank the coffee and then Baby Jesus cried. That's right Starbucks, you made baby Jesus cry. That right Starbucks, you killed Christmas! SANTA is dead because of you! NO SANTA! Stay with me! Stay with me! Don't you give up on me. Think of the children. THINK OF THE CHILDREN! NO! Damn you Starbucks! Damn you and your red cup of oppression.