Thursday, March 27, 2014

Head Trauma: Medical Science Marches On!!!

Hello. Welcome to another episode of "What Really Chaffs My Nuts". I am currently working on another entree; one that is much more serious, and discuses a very important issue. That entree is not finished, so this time I will just present to you to some of the stupid stuff that has been going on.

So, with out further delay, let us begin. Enjoy:
 Do you know how wonderful this is?  This is a discovery that is on the same level as finding your soulmate by shooting them.  What happened to this man could be the answer to many once chronic conditions such as that man's color blindness.  I mean think of how great it could be.  Seriously, just think.  It could be almost like banging out a dent in a car, or playing "Whack A Mole".   There will be no more surgeries, or will the patients have to suffer.  Now when they come down with an illness you can just bop them on the head, and presto chango! YOUR CURED!  You got cataracts; doctor give him THE HAMMER!  You Suffer from migraines?  Hey nurse give em' THE HAMMER!  An ear infection?  Doc prescribe them THE HAMMER!  Isn't that great?  I mean it's even fun to say. Kinda sounds gangsta doesn't it?  THE HAMMER!  Sure it may be a little painful on the patients end, but what's the worst that could happen?  Shit, if your already fucked up what's a little more damage gonna do?  Plus think about how therapeutic it would be for the doctors.  They could let out all their anger on the patients who really get on their nerves all the while curing them.  It would be a perfect way for them to vent the stress they're under.   It's a win-win situation.  And I mean, if it can cure color blindness think about what it could do for Lindsay Lohan,  besides possible rendering her unconscious and dead.  Even Bruce Jenner could benefit from it.  If the procedure turns out to be very similar to hammering out dents, then a doctor could just keep bashing him in the skull until anything about his current physical state changes. What do I mean? Well, have you looked at his face?  It looks like a latex vagina that someone has stretched over their knee, and then somehow hardened it into a disgusting nerve damaged piece of tissue. That's what I mean.  And if it doesn't work, what difference does it make?  How much more harm could you do?  He's married to a damn Kardashian for god sake.

     Here is the next stupid thing.  Did you read it?  A Utah mom spent more than $567 to buy tee shirts from a local mall that she said were promoting pornography to children. The shirts by the way did featured scantily clad models. WOW!  So I guess this is a win-win. The woman gets to fulfill her moral crusade, and the venders at the PacSun store make a killing.  Not bad.  Still though, I got a question if I may?  That question is, is that really the way to go?  Why not help clear out a neighborhood of crack by buying all of the crack from the dealers?   But is that really gonna serve a purpose? The crack dealers are always gonna bring back the crack because, well, either way they're gonna make money.  So, is buying all the shirts from the store, and spending money that could be used to pay a utility bill so you can save your children really worth it?  Isn't that kind of "corruption" something that is in many ways inescapable?  Morals are ideals that you as a parent are supposed to instill in your children when last I checked. But besides that, aren't there other ways to fight back besides emptying out your saving account. Seriously?

With that I'll leave you.

Until the next rash,

Lou Ford


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