Sunday, December 1, 2013

Hi. Do you know what really chaffs my nuts? Well, actually who? This guy:
There are so many things that I could say about this, but I think I'll leave it to South Park first. Take it away Tray and Matt.

 The reason why I say this is because of this:

Girlfriend to deputies: George Zimmerman pointed a shotgun at me

That was the headline from Florida Newspaper the Orlando Sentinel. Here is the link: George Zimmerman arrested for domestic violence - Orlando Sentinel. And there's this two from the magazine "The Week".

What was deal was that Zimmerman had been arrested after a domestic dispute occurred where apparently George Zimmerman had threatened his girlfriend with a shotgun. When authorities arrived he had barricaded himself in the home that his girlfriend and he were sharing after his divorce. So, now while he was released he has to stay away from his girlfriend, surrender all of his fire arms, and wear a satellite monitor. 

Ok, so I lied. I do got a little to say. The one question I got is why the hell would you after being the center of a contrives that had the potential to have worse consequences than The Rodney King trails, and Ben Affleck possibly playing batman, why would you still find ways to thrust yourself into the media spot light. Seriously? Getting pulled over several time, and then being involved in a previous domestic dispute with your ex-wife and her father. A dispute that involves of all things, but the exact thing that gotten you in trouble the first place, a firearm. And yes, George did help a family that had gotten into a car accident, but still two domestic violence incidents that involve guns. I mean George has become the walking poster child for irresponsibility gun ownership. he's kinda going the way of O..J. post murder trial only he never had a promising career. He was just some hack of wanna-be-cop with a nice little stock pile of firearms that he could use to be a hero. Tracking down a teen who was walking home, and then killing him is an honorable thing I got to say. That's like holding up a 7-11 on Christmas Eve, and then wishing the cashier a Happy Holiday. How about taking the already existing phrase "That's Hot" claiming it as your own, and then trying to patient it. How about being a politician who swears up and down that you love equality, but then taking almost every step short of setting a barricade to stop minorities from voting. And for that matter just being a politician.

You know how they say in Hollywood you don't go to jail for killing your wife, you just the pay a really big fine. Well the same applies here. The soothing of a paranoid suburban community was worth the life of a black kid. It's kinda like Charlie Sheen. Sure he abuses every woman he's ever come into contact with. I mean so his sons are sociopaths in training, but hey, that's the price you pay for "Two And Half Men". How about Walmart? I mean they rip off their employees and the overseas slave labor they employ, but they hire veterans. It's all good.

The good news is it ain't all bad. George has a friend. Check this out:

See, George has got a friend. See Zimmerman, you got a friend a friend in a fellow gun owner who shoot a young African American. I think it would be nice to tell him that. We should tell that jackass that.

But seriously, before I sign off let us look at that picture responsible gun owner ship.

And just for fun here's another stellar example of  steadfast gun ownership. Ready for this one:

               Look at it and think about it.

Until the next rash,

Lou Ford.


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