Monday, July 1, 2013


Hi. It's Lou Ford, and I would like to apologize for the wait. There have been some delays on my "editors end". Yes, I know it's hard to believe a hack like me having a proof reader, but yes I actually do have someone who is willing to read my jumble of words that at best forms semifunctional, semi-rational strung together thoughts. They're kinda like christmas tree lights, one loose bulb and the whole thing becomes useless. So, it looks like closing down shop may take a little longer than expected, so you'll have to suffer a little longer. But don't fret, I present for your entertainment pleasure "The Whitest Kids You Know" and their skit about strip clubs.

See, you could describe my writing as being just about as pointless as that skit. Sure it maybe funny but  in the end who really cares. It's like that trophy you got when you were in little league just for participating. Sure the coach may have made you warm the bench but without your presence the team couldn't have kept up it loosing streak. GO TEAM!  

Anyway, that being said it will take a couple more days before there will be another "What Really Chaffs My Nuts" entree. So, for those who like this blog you got one extra episode. 


Until the next rash

Lou Ford. 


I know my writing is horrific, and this will prove as no exception. Take pleasure in all it's imperfection.  

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