All right so here is what really chaffs my nuts. Kim and her sister Kourtney Kardashian

had a contest on a recent episode of whatever god for saken abomination of a TV show they star in, to see whose Vagina smelled better. They fucking took a sanitary napkin, whipped their pussies with it, and then had their sister Klhoe smell the napkin and make the decision. They made millions. Right now, we have people starving in our country, an economy that is still in the shitter, a huge debate over the ban of assault weapons, and the ever growing possibility that there could be the slightest chance that North Korea may someday have the capability to fire a nuclear missile at our nation. However, this is the shit we care about. WHAT THE FUCK! These three are the daughters of the man who helped O.J. Simpson skate by on a double homicide, and yet we still feel the need to watch these over pampered, living in a world with no consequences, karma is for poor people brats. Seriously they made millions from a twenty three minute stretch of ungodliness about the funk that bellows from their nether regions. And in a couple of years we maybe pulling out the Bert the Turtle from the

cold war archives to teach our children how to survive a thermonuclear attack. But these fuck wads will be more significant than the resurgence of the popularity of fallout shelters. It's kinda like Bing Crosby; he'd punch his kids right in the face for not eating their string beans, but it's okay cause could he sing. Boy, could he sing.
Oh, by the way here's the new propaganda poster that has been unveiled in North Korea:
Until the next rash,
Lou Ford