Friday, April 5, 2013

Hi everybody, this is Lou Ford. Sorry I haven't made an entry earlier, but with school and work, things have been hectic. So, from me to you I wish you a Happy Belated Easter. So would Hippity Hop the flesh eating bunny.

See, if you don't join in on his Easter egg hunt he'll eat you. So, hurry up before his hunger for human flesh becomes so insatiable that he eats you alive like a Painted Dog. Painted Dogs are African Wild Dogs that devour their prey alive so other larger predators don't chase them off before they have eaten. Hippity Hop doesn't have to worry about that, he's got the human flesh market thing cornered. Just like how Donald Trump has the whole you can wear the carcass of a mink on your disgustingly bald head, and still be revered as business genius despite continually proving that there is no rock bottom when it comes to being a douche. I mean, just look at him!
For someone who is supposed to be so business savy, he damn sure can't find a way to be anymore repulsive.
I think years from now it will be revealed that Donald Trump was never a human, but a creature from below the depths of the earth. Or that he's like "Leather Face" (Texas Chainsaw Massacre) and he has been wearing all of the skin left over from Joan Rivers' plastic surgery procedures. Joan Rivers is like the bride of Frankenstein. I'm just wondering when she wakes up in the recovery room, do all the doctors collectively exclaim "It's alive"? But back to Donald. Maybe he's lasted so long because he feasts on the blood of the innocent, Maybe in an attic somewhere there's a portrait getting uglier ...? Prettier ...? Honestly I'm not really sure which with that dude. I mean Oprah is kinda immortal, but that's because she lives off of the life force of her book club members. Plus I'm pretty sure that she's got artists painting portraits of her daily so that she'll outlast god him/herself. The portrait has to do with the story of Dorian Gray by the way. Anyway, happy belated Easter. 

  So until the next rash, 

Lou Ford.

Hurry up and find an Easter egg. Hurry! Hippity Hop is coming. He's gonna be at your door waiting, and he doesn't know that it's not Easter anymore. He just wants to eat you. Hurry! Find a fucking egg! He'll eat your children, and then eat their chocolate bunnies too! And he won't care that the chocolate is shaped like him; he doesn't have any humanity, or dignity. Hippity is a fucking furry, flop eared, cuddly, little psychopathic gremlin with the mentality of a 5 year old boy and a yellow ribbon. He'll suck the marrow from your bones while playing with his match box cars. 
If you don't find an egg, hide. He's a fucking monster!

Happy Easter!


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