It's the holiday season, YAY! In my rants I usually talk
about things that really grind my gears. In this case it would be things like
the fact that stores have already started to put out Christmas shit. In fact
they had started doing that in august. Seriously, August. There is the fact
that Thanksgiving traditions are absolutely worth fuck all. Yup, and just like
the blankets laced with smallpox we've been wrapped in lies. And then there is the
death match that is Black Friday where the
douchiest of the douches fight over a no name flat screen TV at BestBuy.
Those things just really chaff my nuts.
I could spew venom about all that but instead, per
request; I am going to discuss something that fills me with joy. Something furry,
fuzzy-wazzy, and cuddly. No, I’m talking about Steve Carell. Well actually
he's not really cuddly, but he is one hairy ass bastard. I'm talking about tiny
kitty cats.
Have you ever seen something so cutie and adorable that it
actually fills you with disdain? Have you ever seen something so lovable that
you wanted to kick a field go with it? Well that is what I will be going over
here, so without further delay let's begin. Kittens.

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All Hail Mittens! |
Cats have always held a special place of some kind in
mythology, and folklore. In Japan for instance there was the maneki-neko
cat, which was a symbol of good
fortune. The Norse goddess of love and fertility, Frayja, was depicted riding
in a chariot drawn by cats. Muslims see the animals as being special too. While
it wasn't written in the Quran , there are legends about how much Muhammad
loved cats. In other words he was that girlfriend who cared more about her pets
than the status of your actual relationship. If you were bleeding to death, and
her cat needed flea medication you could bet your right nut Buttons would be
tick and flea free.
Rage full joy, and god's powder
Now on the Time line we come to the
point where cats became associated with evil, and as a result were killed by
the thousands. This period was the English and Scottish witch trails where
cats along with other animals were seen as guides, or assistants to witches.
That would be other wise know as a familiars. While this is some bulls shit I do have to say that when I wake up in the middle of the night to my cat watching me sleep I want nothing more than a restraining order. Then he purrs and everything is OK. He is plotting something though I know it.
That would be other wise know as a familiars. While this is some bulls shit I do have to say that when I wake up in the middle of the night to my cat watching me sleep I want nothing more than a restraining order. Then he purrs and everything is OK. He is plotting something though I know it.

My little homie, who was named K.C., not the name, but the
letters, was my shadow. He was my lovable sidekick with a fluffy tail. The initials
represented kitty cat in case you were wondering. Now despite being a sweetie he was slick too.
He'd find all kinds of ways to sneak out of the house, and these ways were
ninja style methods. He'd climb up a piece of furniture then leap off and out
before you close the door for work. I’d
discover he was gone, curse him out then when he’d come back he’d look at me
with such cutie eyes ,and I’d melt. That said, as I had mentioned before he is a
When my wife's cat died, my cat did everything short of
cracking open a bottle champagne and snorting lines off of a hooker's breasts
to celebrate. He had no competition,
and the attention would be his. If he had opposable thumbs I'm sure he would
have done it. Who would have thought that opposable thumbs would be so
important for performing simple yet vital tasks like writing, using tools and
Still K.C. was always there, in an assholish way of
course, when I needed him. I love kitties for that reason they love ya, but it
similar to the love of a father who is in secure in his masculinity and has
some major sexual identity issues. My cat would basically give you a hug per
say and push you away awkwardly before he'd actual feel feels. That could also possibly
make him Irish Catholic, lower middle class Irish Catholic. Nevertheless
he was and is my friend. I love his independent, and his friendship and his
humorous dick head ways. He is one of my best friends, and that's embarrassing,
it almost as bad as the slowly progression into the lonely socially inept
status of an extreme animal lover. The kind of person that finds animals to be
better than people so why not have a whole house full of they. Why not be a cat
lady. Who cares if they spray and piss everywhere because they understand you
better than any real person ever will. Tell yourself that when the solution
might be a therapist and antidepressants. The solution could also be alcoholism
and drug addiction. I guess what I'm trying to say here is that as much as I
may punch myself in the face for it, I love god's powder puffs. They fill me
with rage full joy, the best kind of joy.
Until the next rash,
Lou Ford
Until the next rash,
Lou Ford