Well, not the day itself, or even the purpose of it, but rather what has resulted from it. That result has been this corny, unrealistic expectation of affection. What I mean by that is there is this implied idea that it has to be this perfect, splendiferic day of undying romance that proves that all we need is love, and love will make up for anything. A perfect example of this is the fact that Valentines' Day is the number one day for marriage proposals.

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See, child soldiers that had been forced to join rebel groups. Political movements, see look at the good they've done. |
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And new fashion trends too. How many can say that they have short sleeves for life, huh? Sexy right? |
And those fashion trends are amputations, but fashionable amputations. I mean how many victims actually get to choose whether they want "long sleeves or short sleeves". In case you haven't gotten it yet long sleeves meant only your hand would get cut off while short sleeves meant the arm . No joking, it was a joke that the rebel group (the R.U.F) in Sierra Leone asked before hacking off the limbs of a victim. In essence they would give the victim a choice.
Still to all those who don't care, and are thinking, "how am I responsible? That civil war is over, and it's only a ring". Well, you're right, just like with drugs, buying a bit of coke doesn't mean you're responsible for a drug cartel's brutality. That being said, when a whole fuck load are then yes, you do play a part. Still think that it's bullshit? Ok, I got something for you.
DIAMONDS ARE PIECES OF SHIT! Diamonds are not rare, and have no value outside of the jewelry store. See, gold, and silver are sound investments because they have other applications besides just decoration. You can buy stock in gold and silver, and therefore you can get money for your investment depending on the rise or fall of the price. For diamonds there is no damn market outside of De Beers. Therefore diamonds are a costly monitory dick in the ass. That doesn't matter though because it's so ingrained in our culture that no matter how much we may be in love if we don't have the right ring it could mean nothing. What do I mean? Well, there was a study done by Vouchercloud that found, among other things, that 53% of people rejected marriage proposals because they didn't think the ring was good enough. Here is the link for the article: http://time.com/3549609/marriage-proposal-rejection-reasons/. Over half of the people? Are you fucking kidding me? So that means that if I don't get the nicest piece of shit piece stone then no matter how much I may love my partner I'll get rejected. And this is during a heart felt proposal. This isn't getting nailed in a truck stop washroom, and then asked. No, this is a sincere question. What do you got to do to prove that you love that person besides be the one to actually force a child to mine the diamond, and cut their arm off? Do you need to sell your kidney to pay Peter Gabriel to serenade the two of you with the song "In Your Eyes?" Seriously, think about it. Just remember all these things, and go head and put a ring on it. So remember guys, this Valentine's Day diamond is code for anal. Anal both psychically and metaphorically for the two of you.
Until the next rash,
Lou Ford
P.S. Please understand I'm not saying that if you buy a ring then you're a bad person. No, I'm married, and I had bought a diamond ring, but that was before I knew what I know now. The point is that we've been scammed. Plus, there is a bloody history that goes with the stones. Plus, THEY'RE WORTHLESS! Just remember that, and go head and put a ring on it.