Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Be Modest and Wha ...

Hello, and welcome to another episode of "What Really Chaffs My Nuts".  I know that it's been close to a month since I last posted anything.  I am sorry about that.  I am back in school and have had to deal with some family issues.  That being said, I will be posting something longer, deeper, and juicier soon.  Longer, deeper and juicier!  I just said that! Ha! Anyway, I'll leave you with this for now; it is something that I find both insightful and annoying as hell at the same time.

This is what I like to call fortune cookie wisdom. See the crushed cookie in the first photo with the little strip of paper? Pretty nifty how I set that up, huh?  Right?  Moving on!  What the hell does it mean? Of what?  Be modest and proud of what damn it? What? Why do they feel the need to be so damn ambiguous?  Serious, be modest and proud of what, my penis size?  Of what, can anybody tell me?  The fact that I know how to say boobs in several other languages?  Someone seriously please tell me what the hell this means?  When you do figure it out get back to me.  With that I will leave you.

Until the next rash

Lou Ford