Hello and welcome to another installment of "What Really Chaffs My Nuts". Here is what really rubs me the wrong way:
How much of a sell out do you have to be to be to actually change name to that of labor leader and civil rights activist to appeal to those of a different ethnicity all for political gain. I mean that's like white people thinking it's ok to use the n word, or any derivative of it due to them having a black friend. How about acting like a thug because you have a cousin who is kinda one. That second one wasn't quiet as good of an example, so I'll just use this as an example of selling out; Metallica.
Just recap a little here, this politician whose name was Scott Fistler changed his name to Cesar Chavez. He had previously lost two elections as a Republican before he switched parties and changed his name to the latino civil right activist to appeal to the hispanic populations to win political favor. That is selling out. Now changing one's name isn't in itself selling out. For instance if you convert to a new religion, and you are devote, and sincere about your convictions then changing your name isn't selling out. To change your name because your don't want to carry the name of someone who was abusive or harmful in some way isn't selling out. Changing your name for some sort of self serving gain; that is selling out. I mean look at the guy!
Mr. Belvedere wasn't Chinese, he's was a tight assed british house keeper. It was an 80s sitcom. Look it up. Anyway, do you want to know what is the worst part of this is? The worst part is that it's all happening in Arizona. What I mean is that it's Arizona. That is a state where the white populous had decided collectively to round up any brown skinned human wearing a flannel shirt, or pushing a stroller with a seven year old strapped in. Hasn't the state collectively done enough harm to latinos?Seriously, I mean this is as much an example of selling out as Ice Cube, or white people getting Chinese calligraphy tattoos. By the way how could something so beautiful as the art of calligraphy have turned into a form of white trash expression?

Any way if someone has to change their name just so they can get a certain enthnic group to "Rock the Vote" for them then there isn't much lower that you can go. Well, actually I stand corrected. If you were to desend as low as the ugliness of Mickey Rourke then that would be the lowest. What I mean is if there was a scale where attractiveness was equated to your social standing, morality, or whatever term would best describe it, then Mickey Rourke would be pretty damn low. Mickey was at one time attractive; and I mean like "Lost Boys", throw your panties, pour some sugar on me attractiveness. Then something happened after the movie Angel Heart I guess. It seems that he went the same way as all amateur boxers go, slightly punch drunk and ugly. Mickey Rourke by the way was a amateur boxer. When your standards fall that far down then there ain't lower to go. You could open a can of beans with his face. It's true.

that the E network matters. I mean for god sakes it's Arizona. Has anything good ever come from Arizona? Sorry, that was a bit out of line and untrue. I mean crystal meth comes from Arizona, so that's something. It's right on the boarder. I just realized that I've gotten completely off track. I was ranting about how much selling out chaffs my nuts.
Selling out; I mean whatever happened to dignity and self respect? Whatever happened to originality? Being an individual, and not someone who is willing to throw that all away for their selfish egos. That was wrong too. How am I to know that this white Cesar Chavez won't be a great congressman. Still to go as far as change your name in that context could be perceived as racist. It's also quiet redonkulous. Instead of creating his own path he acted like a high school kid who gave into to peer pressure so that he could be popular. He fucking coped out just like the band Metallica, or Nash G. I'll explain the Nash thing at a later date. The only thing more moronic or offensive would be a white guy changing his last name to "X" because his real last name is his "slave name". I thought that the whole idea of an individual was creating your own path in some way, and not fuckin' coping out. Still there is truth to the idea that everybody has to sell out in some aspect. You don't like spending time with you spouse's family, but you want to keep the peace so you have "family time" with them. In turn it may even afford you the ability to do something that you enjoy that isn't approved of other wise. The same thing with a job. You could be offered a promotion that entails responsibilities that you don't want, or don't completely condone; however the money is great so you give in. Still there is a line. That line in my opinion, once crossed is self degrading. Again that was probably is a little harsh.
So I guess my point is while selling out is deplorable, when it's done in a way that is offensive, and at the expense of another then it gets disgusting. I mean lets be honest; the white Cesar Chavez isn't doing one of those "I'd like to teach the world to sing" product endorsement, right? He had the audacity to change his name to civil rights leader in what could be considered a cruel joke that was part of pathetic come back scheme. A white has been politician who changed his name to win over the latino population. All this happened in the state Arizona. Think about that.
So I guess my point is while selling out is deplorable, when it's done in a way that is offensive, and at the expense of another then it gets disgusting. I mean lets be honest; the white Cesar Chavez isn't doing one of those "I'd like to teach the world to sing" product endorsement, right? He had the audacity to change his name to civil rights leader in what could be considered a cruel joke that was part of pathetic come back scheme. A white has been politician who changed his name to win over the latino population. All this happened in the state Arizona. Think about that.
With that I will leave you.
Until the next rash,
Lou Ford