Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Hey this is Lou Ford. I'm just writing you guys, the few follows that I may have, to tell you that there will be about five more episodes of "What Really Chaffs My Nuts" before the blog will be closed down.

 So enjoy it while you can. If you have any comments, criticism, or whatever give it to me.

Until the next rash,

Lou Ford.


Monday, June 3, 2013

Hello. Do you know what really chaffs my nuts? Do you really want to know?
WELL I'm gonna tell ya. You see that picture of that traffic sign? It's a sign that means exactly what you think it means.
"Wait For Green Light".
 The sign is at a traffic signal, you know those things that shine lights of different color. Red means stop, yellow means slow down, and green means go. See that sign which is hanging next to a traffic signal, is on a main drag. Now the damn thing isn't like one of those school zone flashing light ones that only light up when the kids are dismissed from school, and they don't want you to run over a kid. Damn annoying things those signs. Why do we need them? I mean how else are we gonna get our kids to be active in this age of fucking technology? Why give them the choice when you can just scare them into moving by the threat of their young, new flesh being crushed and ripped under a couple thousand pounds of metal, plastic, and rubber. And just think of how much it would help them with test taking. Little Johnny isn't worried about that math test this afternoon, he's worried about the two blocks he's got to sprint while his mother chases him in the soccer mobile before going home. I once again am joshing you, so apply that ointment to keep your nuts from chaffing.
But seriously the sign pictured there is for everyone, all the time, all four seasons of the year. It's kinda like one of those warning labels on cans of arasol sprays that tell you to use it only in well ventilated area because it's toxic. The sad thing is that while not everyone reads the warning labels on the back of aerosol sprays, even the dumbest douche knows the purpose of a traffic signal. You know how you can tell? Easy.  Everybody out there who runs a light knows  the importance of their purpose because when they run it they check to see if there's a cop around. And when they do get pulled over they always use the same excuse, "The light was yellow", or "Come on give me a  brake, I'm late for work". Everybody gets pissed when they get pulled over for running a light or a stop sign, that is until they or someone they know is the victim of an accident caused by someone else running a light, and then they are out raged.  Ironic isn't it. Anyway, the fact that a sign like that is hanging up at a traffic signal means one thing; obviously for many people a red light is just a goddamn suggestion.

Until the next rash,

Lou Ford