Hey, and welcome to another rant. Do you know what really chaffs my nuts? Smart cars. Let me say that again, fucking tiny, itsy-bitsy fucking smart car. Completely electric, and for good reason, being that size, it would only take 20 minutes to recharge, and if runs out of gas, you can pick it up and carry it.

I mean look at the damn thing, it's like someone decided to pimp out their GEO.
Look at it. Yeah, don't lie you remember those things. Some of you even drove those sorry excuses for automobiles. The only things worse than those are the French (yeah, that's right it's the French again) La Car. Go above five miles an hour and the damn thing starts to shake like an elderly epileptic with Parkinson's Disease (and by the way this is a rant, it's meant to be funny). Does that combination even exist? If it did would it be nothing more than a prop for someone to use the carpool lane? But anyway, the Le Car, a vehicle about as reliable as a shopping cart, and it's all brought to you by the people who think armpit hair is sexy.
Yup. Smart cars, that's what really chaffs my nuts. Until the next rash.
Lou Ford